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public:converting_geolocated_data [2022/01/21 10:45]
admin [To convert file]
public:converting_geolocated_data [2022/03/08 09:03] (current)
admin [Import Data]
Line 20: Line 20:
 Open QGIS and select "Add Vector Layer" Open QGIS and select "Add Vector Layer"
 {{ :​public:​1_import_data.png?​600 |}} {{ :​public:​1_import_data.png?​600 |}}
 +Note, if you want to convert a CSV file to a geolocated format, you should select "Add delimited text layer"
 Locate your data source: Locate your data source:
public/converting_geolocated_data.1642761901.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/01/21 10:45 by admin