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Using Map Explorer to Overlay Geospatial Data

Who is this guide for

  • Users visiting SmartDublin to explore data

What this guide teaches

  • How to view geospatial (map) data in the platform
  • How to add datasets to the map explorer

Things to know beforehand

  • The geospatial formats that Smart Dublin currently supports in its map viewer are KML and GeoJSON.

Start using map viewer

Select a dataset of interest that has a resource in WMS format (select WMS format on the datasets selection page). These are the GeoJSON and KML format files that have been uploaded to the Smart Dublin geoserver, and so have maps available on the site. For this example I selected “DCC Public Bin Locations”.

On the dataset page, scroll down to the map viewer where you will see (in this case) the bin locations.

You can zoom in and out of the map to see more detail.

To add more datasets to the map, use the “Add Data” button. The data catalog will now open and from here you can select any data of interest, browsing it either by category or publisher, or using a text search:

I decide to add “Public Lighting DCC”, I click on the dataset and get a preview of the data: I now use the “Add to the map” button on the preview to add the data.

On the map, I now see the bin data along with the lighting data. I can zoom in and out for more detail.

Any datasets that are published in WMS format can be added to the map view.

See also (for data publishers)

public/using_map_explorer_to_overlay_geospatial_data.1629471455.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/20 14:57 by admin