====== Metadata for dataset (both spatial and non-spatial) ====== * Fields marked with * are mandatory * Fields marked with [M] can have more than 1 value ^ **Label** ^ **Definition and guideline** ^ | Title * | Name given to the dataset. | | Description * | Short description explaining the content and its origins. | | Language * | Language of the dataset, including resources within dataset. | | Tags * [M] | Tags are used to improve the search function | | Date Created | Date the dataset was first published by its creator. | | Date Updated | | | Date Released | | | Date Range | Refers to the date range of the dataset - e.g. when the dataset's data is valid eg. 2019-09-01 to 2019-10-01 | | Target Audience | Potential users of the dataset | | Category * | Each dataset must be assigned one of the predetermined categories | | Related Datasets [M] | Any datasets that hold related data | | License * | License under which the data is provided, see [[public:licensing_and_sharing_data|Licensing and citing data]]| | Organization * | The owning organization within SmartDublin | | Visibility * | Public datasets are open to all, private to only members of the owning organization | | Landing Page | This is the URL to the data's original source, if any. It must be a URL, if present. | | Version | Version of the dataset | | Update Frequency * | One of "As Required", "Every 5 Minutes", "Daily" etc. | | Was Revision of | URL to another dataset that this replaces | | Geographical Bounding Box | (for geolocation data) co-ordinates that define boundary of data | | Region * | One of the Dublin regions, or national | | Spatial Projection | for geolocation data | | Conforms to | Fixed field: https://data.gov.ie/technical-framework | | Contact Person * | Name of contact | | Contact Person Email * | Email address of contact | | Data Owner * | | | Data Owner Email * | Email for data owner | | Completeness | | There may also be various Custom Fields specific to a dataset, such as: eg. Purpose of Collection, Use Constraints, date_created, date_modified, metadata_modified ===== Resource Level Metadata ===== Each resource that is added within a dataset requires its own specific metadata. These fields include: ^ **Label** ^ **Fieldname** ^ **Definition and guideline** ^ | NAME * | xxxx | Name given to the dataset. | | DESCRIPTION * | xxxx | Provide a detailed description of this specific resource, e.g. //DCC River Level Data 2019 // | | FORMAT * | xxxx | File format type. //Please simply start typing and the appropriate file type will be selected//. **ALL CAPS, NO DOTS, NO SPACES ** . | | FEATURE INFO TEMPLATE for WMS RESOURCE | xxxx | This feature allows for editing the info window feature of a dataset's attributes. Please follow the instructions listed here [[partners:feature_info_template_field_in_ckan|Feature info template field in CKAN]] | ==== For more information about ==== [[public:metadata|Metadata]]